A Peak-Season Surcharge will apply to parcels requiring special handling or delivered to residential/ low commercial density areas from October 15th, 2024, through January 17th, 2025. For more information, Click here.


privacy policy

Privacy Policy

At Dicom Freight, a Dicom Transportation Group company, safety and protection of our clients’ privacy are essential. This document informs our clients about Dicom Transportation Group’s practices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information we receive through the use of our shipping services, our products and related services, the consultation or use of our websites or any interactions between our clients and us.

Meaning of "Client" and "Personal Information"

For the purposes of this Privacy Statement, the term "client" means any person using the products and services of Dicom Transportation Group, whether as a shipper, receiver, person responsible for shipping or otherwise. Anyone using the Dicom Transportation Group websites and anyone who registered to receive emails to learn about promotions, special offers and advice of the Dicom Transportation Group through the Dicom Freight or Dicom Express Inc. is also considered a client.

"Personal information" means information about an identifiable person, excluding name, title, business address and telephone number of an employee, that is to say, information belonging specifically to a company.

What personal information do we collect and how do we use it?

We collect personal information on shipments entrusted to Dicom Transportation Group. This allows us to provide our clients with the services they have requested, to facilitate shipments and to bill clients accurately for all services and products provided by the company.

The personal information we collect include:

  • Contact information (name, address, email address and personal phone number);
  • Proof of identity (signature);
  • Financial information and billing information (information about the credit card or history of credit history).


We use the information collected through shipments to:

  • Provide our clients with reliable and punctual products and services, particularly with pickups, deliveries, provision of logistics services and communications with clients, related to their shipments.
  • Bill our clients for use of our products and services. For this purpose, we perform a credit check and an identity confirmation. We also produce detailed invoices that allow all our clients to validate the charges to their accounts;
  • Establish, maintain and develop lasting relationships with our clients, particularly in the context of managing their Dicom Express and / or Dicom Freight accounts;
  • Develop, promote and administer our products and services, including conducting market research and offering our clients new products and services, promotions, special offers and advice;
  • Assist law enforcement agencies when necessary, to recover money owed to Dicom Transportation Group, protect the commercial interests of Dicom Transportation Group (including application of the General Conditions of Service), and comply with the requirements of the law.


Does Dicom disclose personal information concerning you?

It is possible that we release personal information to third parties who assist us in providing products and services to our clients and/or to achieve any other purpose mentioned above, or to manage our mailing lists. In particular, such third parties may be transport companies, local pickup and delivery services, which are mandated for parcel pickup, transport and delivery, and IT service brokers and suppliers. When we disclose personal information to others, we offer a promise of confidentiality comparable to ours, during the period when the personal information is in the custody of third parties. It is also possible that we will share personal information with affiliates of Dicom Transportation Group, thereby facilitating the achievement of one or more of the objectives stated above. Due to the geographical location of some of these third parties, personal information may sometimes be transferred, processed and stored outside of Canada or on some independent virtual servers of Dicom Transportation Group.

We reserve the right to cooperate fully with local, state and federal agents in the context of any presumed illegal activity, or any investigation requiring personal information collected by DICOM (including private electronic communications exchanged on any corporate Dicom site). We also reserve the right to disclose or communicate personal information to a third party in the context of a sale, a merger or a transfer of the assets of Dicom Freight or Dicom Express Inc., to the extent that the third party consents to comply with the principles set out in this Privacy Statement and that such information does not constitute all or substantially all of the assets transferred.

Except as specified above, we may not sell, share, transfer, license, trade or rent personal information about our clients to third parties without the consent of said clients.


How do we obtain our clients’ consent?

The type of explicit or tacit consent obtained from a person depends largely on the degree of sensitivity of the information involved and the reasonableness of the expectations from that person in this case. We do not require a person to consent to the collection, use or disclosure of his personal information beyond what is necessary in order to achieve the business objectives set out above or any other goals, specified at the time of the request for consent.

In the event a client provides us with personal information about another person (as the recipient of the shipment), the client providing the personal information has the responsibility to obtain the consent of that person for the use of his personal information for collection, use and disclosure.


Withdrawal of consent

At any time the client may withdraw consent allowing us to use, retain or disclose personal information subsequently, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. You may withdraw your consent by contacting Dicom Express at 1-888-463-4266 or Dicom Freight at 1-888-884 6548 or at privacy@dicom.com. We inform all persons wishing to withdraw their consent of the consequences of withdrawal.


Withdrawal of consent

By using this site http://www.dicom.com you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with the cookie policy.


A cookie is a small file created to contain information about the user, generated by a website when you visit it. A cookie can detect and store information on the use made by a user of one or more websites at the time of such use.

There are two main types of cookies, "session cookies" and "persistent cookies”.

Session cookies

Session cookies only store information for the period spent on a website – the data is not stored on the user’s hard drive. When the user closes the browser, the issuer of the cookie no longer has the information collected by the cookie. In DICOM, we use session cookies only as additional security measures.

When clients access DICOM websites and confirm their identity (through their user ID and password), a cookie remembers the identification number of their browser (secure cookie). During the active session, the cookie is used as a digital signature to identify the session and our client on our Web server. The Web server then checks the identification number of the client browser to verify the client’s identity, at any time during the session.

What types of cookies does Gogroup use?

We use only the bare essentials. Without these cookies, we cannot provide you with personalized, secure and enjoyable services.


Gogroup.com (version for phone, tablet and computer) uses the following cookies:

cookie name source description additional information
ASP.NET_SessionId Gogroup The session cookie is implemented by Microsoft technology, which is essential to the site’s operations. It assigns you a unique authentication number during your visit to give you a better user experience. Session cookie
.ASPXAUTH Gogroup This cookie is used for the same purposes as above but for authentication to access secure content Session cookie


Persistent cookies

We also use cookies to track our clients’ visits to our website. We use this information to improve our website and identify the types of data searched. We use the information about sites that our clients visited just before ours to assess the viability of links to our site we have placed on third-party sites. The information recorded in these persistent cookies is stored on our client’s hard drive and remains there until the cookies expire. From time to time, we use persistent cookies to store non-confidential personal information.


Gogroup.com (version for phone, tablet and computer) uses the following persistent cookies:

cookie name source description additional information
-utma Google Analytics These cookies are used to collect information on usage patterns of visitors to our site. We use the information to analyze and improve our site. This information is collected in an anonymous format, including the number of visits to our site, where the visitors come from and what pages they visited. You can click on the following link for more details on Google data retrieval techniques.

You can disable Google cookies by visiting


Using the IP address

We also collect your IP address for each connection in order to increase security. This traceability helps detect fraudulent navigation or identity theft. Finally, Bill C-28 (the anti-spam law) requires us to collect information to provide traceability on the consent of visitors to subscribe to our newsletter.

Currently, most browsers do not distinguish a session cookie from a persistent cookie. To use our websites, our clients must configure their browser to accept cookies. We recommend that clients who are concerned about the idea that their browser accepts cookies from other sites configure their browser so that there is a notification upon receipt of a cookie. This will allow clients to accept or decline cookies transmitted by the foreign Web server visited. We suggest that you contact the provider of your browser for information on the steps to perform this configuration.


Disabling cookies

If you do not agree with the policy of use of cookies, you can follow the instructions here or use a tool for turning off your browser. Please note that secure service will be functional when disabling cookies.

How do we protect personal information?

We make every possible effort to protect personal information collected from any loss or unauthorized access. Access to our clients’ personal information is limited to employees and agents of Dicom Transportation Group who have been carefully selected. We use recognized information security techniques as firewalls, access control procedures and encryption, to protect personal information against loss of data or unauthorized access. We cannot guarantee the confidentiality of the information contained on any package or shipping label.

Retention of personal information

Dicom Transportation Group retains its clients’ personal information as long as necessary, to meet the needs for which it was collected, in addition to complying with the applicable laws.

Links to third-party sites

Our websites may sometimes contain links to other sites. Please note that the operators of those websites may also collect personal information from our clients (especially information stored by cookies) when they click on these links. We are not responsible for the collection, use or disclosure of our clients’ personal information by these third parties. It is important that our clients become aware of the privacy policies of these third parties before providing them with any personal information.

Changes to this Privacy Statement

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Statement at any time without notice. The Privacy Statement posted on this website will be considered as the Privacy Statement in force at that time. It is your responsibility to read our Privacy Policy regularly.


You can contact us by phone at 1-888-463-4266 or Dicom Freight at 1-888-884-6548 or by email at privacy@dicom.com to request access to your personal information in order to make corrections or updates.

Contact us

Please direct any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Statement or our compliance with this Privacy Statement to the following address:

Person in charge of protection of privacy

Dicom Express Inc.
10315 Chemin Côte de Liesse,
Dorval Québec H9P1A6


Otherwise, you can send an email to privacy@dicom.com. Please note that all comments, suggestions or documents provided are considered non-confidential and non-exclusive (becoming the property of Dicom Express Inc. and Dicom Freight upon receipt) and that we may use and distribute these comments, suggestions or documents to any third party and for any purpose, without limitation, for the development and marketing of products or services, including your future comments, suggestions or documents.